The world's first ship tunnel is officially approved! Waited for 150 years!
 Apr 13, 2021|View:748

The world's first full-size ship tunnel-the Stad Ship Tunnel project has been approved and prepared before the construction. Since 1874, it has been proposed to obtain approval formally opened, and the birth of the first ship tunnel in the world has experienced nearly 150 years.

Norwegian Coast Administration confirmed that Norwegian Transportation and Communication Department had agreed to the STAD ship tunnel project. Terje Andreassen, Terje Andreassen, temporary project manager, Stadat ship tunnel, said that the agency will start the real estate acquisition process in the area where the ship tunnel is located, is expected to be completed in 2021; and will also establish a project organization, start the tunnel construction bidding, the goal is In 2021, the contractor was selected and started in 2022.

It is reported that Norway has allocated 75 million Nobi Keran (about $ 8.8 million) launch funds in the international budget in 2021. The STAD ship tunnel project is expected to consumption of 2.8 billion Norwegian Kran (about 330 million US dollars), which does not include VAT. The construction period is 3 to 4 years.

The idea of built ship tunnels through the Stad Peninsula has been discussed for more than 100 years, and it has been recorded in the 1970s. "Sea Tunnel specially used in ships" has been planned for decades, and this concept has been widely concerned afterwards. In 2017, Norway officially approved the construction of Starter ship tunnel. The construction party has conducted an initial plan in 2018, but the plan has been rejected due to high project costs. To this end, the construction party has conducted additional geological exploration and cost analysis in the first half of 2019, and the revised project cost reached Norway. Official requirements; in addition, the design of the tunnel has also been optimized.

The Norwegian Coast Administration expects the engineering construction work of Stadat Ship Tunnel Projects to be completed in 2026. This will become the world's first full-size ship tunnel. Previously, France has opened a tunnel that can accommodate small ships, but collapse in the 1960s.

Statt is a peninsula in the Norwegian Serbia, the weather is more cool, and the blessings of all year round are accompanied by astonishing waves, the combination of seafronts and seables has created special complex and unpredictable navigation conditions in this area. 100 days in the year It is an extremely weather that the ship is difficult to pass. Statt is the main obstacle to establishing a fast ship passenger route from Bergen to Oleg, the idea of building a ship tunnel is initially raised in 1874.

The surroundings of Statt Bay is the plateau mountain, and the Stadat ship tunnel will be excluded from the high mountains of 645 meters. The tunnel is about 37 meters high, and the height of the surface to the top of the tunnel is 50 meters, the width is 26.5 meters, and the total length will reach 1.7 km. And once one direction can only be traffic, but even here, the time passed from the tunnel is much shorter than the time passed through the peninsula, and the most important thing is to avoid danger. According to estimates, 70 to 120 vessels will be passed daily after the tunnel is completed.

The construction process is expected to use multiple barges to remove more than 3 million rocks, first using horizontal drilling and blasting technology to remove the upper top plate portion, and then turn to vertical drilling and use explosives to remove the lower part. During this time, the entrance and exit of the tunnel will be partially blocked to keep it dry during work, then blasting it when water is injected. Well-known construction company Snohetta is responsible for designing the entrance and exit of Stadat ship tunnel.

Once put into operation, the average of 19 ships will pass through the Stadat ship tunnel daily, with a maximum of 16,000 tons of ships. The tunnel is a single-way line, changing once per hour, controlled by the ship traffic control center. With this tunnel, ships can pass through Stadate (Stad), avoiding one of the most challenging and most dangerous routes of Norwegian waters.

The Norwegian Coast Administration said that the completed structure will be similar to "a large and long mountain hall". Although this tunnel may attract attention from the infrastructure enthusiasts around the world, the main goal of the tunnel is to make it "safe" and "predictable" through the Statthaveda Sea.

Currently, walking through the tunnel is impossible, so if you are interested, the boat will be the only choice.

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