How to read MSDS? Safer shipping
 May 30, 2024|View:160

Container transportation has become the most convenient and efficient mode of transportation today, but at the same time, we have seen an endless stream of maritime accidents caused by misreporting and missing dangerous goods.

Various shipping companies have shown a high amount of liquidated damages, calling for self-discipline of the industry, with only one purpose: to ensure the shipping safety of ships and goods, and to protect the interests of customers.

However, deterrence and post-event review are still far from enough. In all aspects of cargo production, warehousing, booking, packing, transportation, etc., practitioners (including customers and agents) need to have a clear understanding of SOLARS and IMDG CODE regulations, as well as a clear understanding of the characteristics of cargo transportation.

Now for you to introduce "MSDS" and check the name of the first "battery" to do a series of explanations.

How to correctly understand the relevant characteristics of the goods?

By checking the MSDS data of the cargo, understand the characteristics of the cargo and minimize the risk index. MSDS, the full name of Material Safety Data Sheet(Material safety Data Sheet), is internationally known as a chemical safety information card, which is used by chemical manufacturers and importers to clarify the physical and chemical properties of chemicals (such as PH value, flash point, flammability, reactivity, etc.) and the health of users (such as carcinogenic, carcinogenic, and carcinogenic). Deformities, etc.) a file of possible hazards.

MSDS contains 16 basic data, all of which are indispensable. Before providing information, you can check whether the following information is complete.

Generally need to check the MSDS goods are batteries, chemical categories, etc. In addition to the identification of dangerous and non-dangerous goods, MSDS can also identify and confirm the special stoves of certain special cargoes.

The following basic elements are generally required when reviewing MSDS:

The MSDS acceptance is valid for 3 years from the Issue Date

The 16 basic contents should be filled in one by one, except [other information]

The second or third column of the MSDS must be 100% complete

If there is UN No. In column 14. CLASS is classified as dangerous goods

The name of the production unit of MSDS is consistent with the name of the production unit of the goods transportation condition certificate. If not, explain the relationship between the two.

Battery products science class

1. Non-hazardous batteries that do not need to provide MSDS inspection:

Alkaline battery

Zn-Mn battery

Carbon-Zinc battery

General Dry battery

Can be regarded as non-dangerous goods, do not need to declare dangerous goods, and do not need to submit for examination.

So in addition to the above non-dangerous batteries, what are the more common and need to provide MSDS and cargo transportation conditions verification to determine the appropriate load of the battery?

2. Non-hazardous batteries that need to be verified by MSDS:

1) Lithium battery: need to provide MSDS and comply with the special provisions of IMDG Code SP188. can be accepted as a general product.

2) Lead battery: need to provide MSDS and meet the special provisions of IMDG Code SP238. can be accepted as a general product.

3) nickel-metal hydride battery: need to provide MSDS and goods packaging photos to confirm whether they can be accepted as general products. Please indicate shipment type when applying.

After the above introduction, I believe you have a deeper understanding of MSDS and batteries. The safety characteristics of the goods have an important indicative role for ship transportation, and only the correct arrangement of the loading container can ensure the safe shipment of the goods.