The shipping department began to charter domestic trade ships due to the shortage of transport capacity.
 May 28, 2024|View:168

Recently, the container shipping market has experienced a sharp rise in freight rates, and the shortage of transport capacity has led to the explosion of some routes, and even the tense situation of "one cabin is difficult to find". In order to relieve the pressure on capacity, some international liner companies began to turn their attention to China's domestic trade container ship market to make up for the capacity gap on international routes.

According to foreign media reports, a number of international shipping giants have leased domestic trade ships in China. Cma CGM leased the "Henghui 6" for as much as $28.000 a day; Anfu Shipping leased the "Wanxingda" and "Changshun Jinxiu" at a daily rent of US $20.000 and US $26.000 respectively. X-Press Feeders and Global Feeder Shipping have also joined the party, leasing vessels with different capacity, respectively.

Linerlytica, an industry analyst, points out that the rise in ship rents and charter terms directly reflects the sharp increase in demand for ship charters and the tight supply of ships.

Even small container ships have been enthusiastically pursued by the market.

Container ship rents are expected to continue rising despite the limited number of vessels available for charter, with 600.000 TEU of new vessel deliveries due in the next two months.

New ship deliveries hit a record high in April, but the capacity shortage is expected to continue until October this year.

Factors such as concentrated shipments by traders, port congestion and the Red Sea crisis have contributed to the rise of the container market this time.

There is widespread optimism in the industry that with the peak season in the third quarter, this year could be a very long peak season, and freight rates are expected to remain high.